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Dirty Old Timer Gear Guide

Does your arborist still have a chainsaw from 1992? Does your arborist wear jeans with holes in the back pockets because "the sawdust doesn't actually get inside the pants"? Is your arborist tough to shop for because everything they own lasts forever? Sounds like you're dealing with a dirty old-timer. We have some suggestions.

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Helmets - "Don't Need Nothin' Fancy, Just Gotta Work"

These helmets give you what you need - protection - without fancy bangles and thingamajigs.

Saddles - "It's Gotta Get Me In The Tree. That's About It."

No frills. Just solid construction on designs that have been used for 100 years. The classic 4-Dee saddle is the simplest, fool-proof, bomb-proof design there is. Add a floating Dee in and a wide back, and now it's much more comfortable.

Hand Saws - "Cave Men Perfected Them, Why Change Them?"

I have to find a dozen ways to type this for all of these products: These are long-lasting, solidly built, and time-tested designs.

Chainsaws - Make It Big, and Make It Powerful


Boots - Solid Workhorses

None of that neon green and red here - these boots are built-tough and will last forever. The Husqvarna Rubber Logger Boots don't look stylish - but they are everything you need (unless you do a lot of climbing.)

Climbing Gear - "I Just Need to Get Up There."

You can use all sorts of fancy equipment to climb a tree, but if you know a Blake's Hitch you just need a rope. If you want to get fancy, you can add a DMM Hitch Climber and Eye-&-Eye to make it easier.

Spurs - "I already got some, I've had them since 1985 and they still work!"

It's time for new spurs. These steel gaffs are solid, thick, and can be used as a prybar if needed.

Carabiners - Steel. Thick, Heavy, Strong, Steel.

These are steel carabiners that meet all the requirements and surpass them.

Fun Things

Everyone could probably use these, but your arborist will probably love them more than others.