What is Tree-o-Caching?
Based on geocaching, it’s a real-world hunt for treasure using GPS coordinates. Something’s hidden and you have to use a GPS device to find it. We’ve taken this concept into the canopy in over 150 locations across the United States and the rest of the world!
Friends and customers of TreeStuff.com are hiding plaques in trees, or even just recording special trees and marking exclusive locations especially for tree people!
How does it work?
We partnered with Plan-It Geo, who make the excellent TreePlotter JOBS software to develop a one of kind public-access app to take our Tree-o-Cache program to the next level.
All you have to do is find the tree, climb it, and have fun. Climb safely! Also, no spiking, spurs, hooks, gaffs, or other destructive climbing methods. Please leave the area exactly as you found it - don’t cut down any brush or saplings to try to get a better throw.
Tree-o-Cache started with buckets of goodies and eventually evolved to use more environmentally friendly plaques. Tree-o-cache #1 through #165 should have some sort of bucket or plaque in the tree. If you find a bucket, feel free to take one item! You don’t have to replace it, but we would love for you to trade in something of your own, maybe a hat or t-shirt from your tree business. No used gear, please! Don’t forget to sign the logbook!
Newer Tree-o-Caches, after #165 were setup by the broader community using the new map based solution from Plan-It Geo.
How Can I Do It?
You can use the app to find a Tree-o-Cache near you and then you can visit it with your friends, or on your own. Make sure to post a picture online and tag #TreeOCache, and do another hastag with the Tree-o-Cache number on the end too, which is a fun way of signing a virtual log book.
How Can I Place A Cache?
Setting a new cache is easy - find a good tree, buy the Tree-o-Cache Kit, climb the tree, and add it to the interactive map!
Share it!
We’re offering a bonus if you send us a video of your Tree-o-Cache adventure! If you upload a video of your Tree-o-Cache adventure here, we'll send you a $20 TreeStuff.com gift certificate! Any photos or videos may be used on Facebook, Youtube, or any other TreeStuff media. Send your photos to media@treestuff.com and your face might get on TreeStuff.com or on our Instagram page!
Make sure your video shows:
- you gearing up
- you at the trailhead
- you finding and accessing the tree
- you reaching the Tree-o-Cache plaque
- whatever fun hi-jinks you got into along the way
Fine Print
We don’t guarantee the legality or safety of climbing anything, anywhere, or at any time. These trees have not been inspected, and the caches were placed by friends of TreeStuff - we have no proof that the trail, tree, or cache is safe.
Use your head and make your own choices. We recommend using professional safety equipment and suggest having professional climbing training. Your safety and anything negative resulting from your Tree-o-Cache hunt is your responsibility.
The point of Tree-o-Caching is to have fun climbing trees and exploring with your friends. If you win a little something along the way, great!
Check out Tree-o-Cache Adventure videos on our Youtube channel!
Need help using the map software? Please contact: support@planitgeo.com