
Tree-o-Cache Kit

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Join the Tree-o-Caching community! This kit includes a uniquely numbered Tree-o-Cache Plaque, screw to affix it to the tree, and drive bit for the screw. Simply find a good tree in a cool place, climb it, place the plaque, and then put the coordinates on the interactive map for other climbers to find!

Active slide of Tree-o-Cache Kit


Join the Tree-o-Caching community! This kit includes a uniquely numbered Tree-o-Cache Plaque, screw to affix it to the tree, and drive bit for the screw. Simply find a good tree in a cool place, climb it, place the plaque, and then put the coordinates on the interactive map for other climbers to find!


Find Out More About Tree-o-Caching HERE

-1 Tree-o-Cache Plaque (individually numbered)
-1 wood screw
-1 driver bit

Make sure to post a picture online and tag #TreeOCache, and do another hashtag with the Tree-o-Cache number on the end too, which is a fun way of signing a virtual log book.

Fine Print
We don’t guarantee the legality or safety of climbing anything, anywhere, or at any time. These trees have not been inspected, and the caches were placed by friends of TreeStuff - we have no proof that the trail, tree, or cache is safe.

Use your head and make your own choices. We recommend using professional safety equipment and suggest having professional climbing training. Your safety and anything negative resulting from your Tree-o-Cache hunt is your responsibility.

The point of Tree-o-Caching is to have fun climbing trees and exploring with your friends. If you win a little something along the way, great!
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