Future Arborist Gear Guide

Is your arborist tiny? Is your arborist too young to drive? Congratulations! Here's some gear they'll love!

Need more specific suggestions? Chat with us, or email us at info@treestuff.com!

Helmets - Especially for Little Ones

Climbing helmets made for kids!

Saddles - Adorable and Safe

These harnesses aren't just small versions of adult harnesses - they're made specifically for the proportions of children. The full-body harnesses are perfect for getting into climbing and playing in the trees, and the Finn Kid's Sit Harness is great for when they grow out of the full body harnesses.

Hand Saws - For When They're Bigger

You know if your kid is ready for a handsaw or not, and when they are, these are some great options.


Climbing Gear - Easy to Use

Jason Dudek recommends starting your child on a Blake's Hitch to limit user error, and once they get the hang of it they can jump right to a Rope Runner Pro! We also have gear for setting up a simple Hitch Climber Pulley System. You might also think about the Petzl GriGri if you want to have more control over their climbing.

Carabiners - Great for Starters!

Triple-locking carabiners require some practice, but they're industry-standard for a reason - so we recommend getting some for practicing.

Fun Things

Everyone could probably use these, but your arborist will probably love them more than others.