Speed Climber Gear Guide

Does your arborist like to go fast? Do they dream of winning climbing competitions? We have some gear they might want to check out!

Need more specific suggestions? Chat with us, or email us at info@treestuff.com!

Helmets - Lightweight and Sleek

These helmets don't have all the fancy things others have, but they're light and comfortable.

Saddles - Like Wearing An F1 Car

These are still pro harnesses, but they're perfect for speed demons, with ultra-lightweight materials and maximum adjustability.

Boots - Like Having The Feet Of A Tree Frog

These aren't chainsaw protective boots - but they're fast and high-tech. These are designed specifically for tree climbers.

Climbing Gear - Clip On And GO!

These are fast to put on and make you go FAST.

Carabiners - Fancy Materials

If your arborist hasn't tried a Ball-Lock carabiner, they might really like it. Some arborists find it faster to open than the normal slide and twist. Your arborist is also going to want an XSRE for tending their climbing device.

Fun Things

Everyone could probably use these, but your arborist will probably love them more than others.