Tree-age G4 Systemic Insecticide


Arborjet's Tree-age G4 is the new general use formula of one of the most popular and effective pesticides against Emerald Ash Borer. Tree-age G4 a systemic, injectable insecticide that provides two-year control of many insect and mite pests in deciduous, coniferous, and palm trees. The active ingredient - Emamectin Benzoate - kills existing pest populations and provides lasting protection from new infestations. Sold in a 1 quart bottle. **NOT FOR SALE IN NY**

Active slide of Tree-age G4 Systemic Insecticide


Arborjet's Tree-age G4 is the new general use formula of one of the most popular and effective pesticides against Emerald Ash Borer. Tree-age G4 a systemic, injectable insecticide that provides two-year control of many insect and mite pests in deciduous, coniferous, and palm trees. The active ingredient - Emamectin Benzoate - kills existing pest populations and provides lasting protection from new infestations. Sold in a 1 quart bottle. **NOT FOR SALE IN NY**



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Tree-age G4 is applied as a trunk injection at the base of the tree. It is not sprayed on the tree nor applied to the soil. Like any systemic insecticide, this product must be transported through the trunk and into the canopy. Therefore, it will usually be more effective in a tree that is reasonably healthy than in a tree that has already been severely injured by EAB larvae.

1 quart treats 27 trees (10" DBH) at medium rate

Tree-age G4 is labeled for:

Bud and Leaf Pests: 

Tent Caterpillars including Eastern, Forest, Pacific, and Western, Western Spruce Budworm, Winter Moth, Bagworm, Cankerworm, Casebarer, Eastern Oak Looper, Elm Spanworm, Fall Webworm, Gypsy Moth, Leafrollers, Linden Looper, Mimosa Webworm, Oak Worm, Pine Needle Miner, Poplar Tentmaker, Tussock Moth, Variable Oakleaf Caterpillar, Yellownecked Caterpillar, Leafminers including Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera; Honeylocust Plant Bug, Pine Needle Scale, Conifer Mite, Red Palm Mite, Sawfly including Elm, Pine

 Shoot, Stem, Trunk, and Branch Pests:

Clearwing Borers including Ash, and Sequoia Pine Pitch Tube Moth, Carpenterworm, Cottonwood Twig Borer, Zimmerman Moth, Flat-headed Borers including adult and larvae of Emerald Ash Borer, Gall Wasps including Banyan Stem Gall Wasp, Roundheaded Borers excluding Asian Longhorned Beetle, Ambrosia Beetles including Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer (Euwallacea fornicatus), Scolytids (bark beetles), Ips Engraver Beetles, Mountain Pine Beetle, Southern Pine Beetle, Spruce Beetle, Western Pine Beetle, Black Turpentine Beetle, Walnut Twig Beetle, Pinewood Nematode

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