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Mauget ArborFos Fungicide


Mauget’s Tree Injection ArborFos® is a phosphite-formulated fungicide that inhibits Sudden Oak Death, anthracnose, fire blight, Phytophthora, and other fungal diseases through stimulation of the plant’s own natural defense systems. Mauget’s registered effective tree-injection fungicides are used as suppressors and protectors against over 50 hard-to-suppress tree and plant pathogens. Arborfos® is the only Mauget product labeled for fruit trees and is available in capsules or 1-liter bottles.

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Mauget’s Tree Injection ArborFos® is a phosphite-formulated fungicide that inhibits Sudden Oak Death, anthracnose, fire blight, Phytophthora, and other fungal diseases through stimulation of the plant’s own natural defense systems. Mauget’s registered effective tree-injection fungicides are used as suppressors and protectors against over 50 hard-to-suppress tree and plant pathogens. Arborfos® is the only Mauget product labeled for fruit trees and is available in capsules or 1-liter bottles.


Mauget Tree Disease Treatment & Timing

Mauget Insect Treatment & Timing

Video - How to Apply Injection Capsules

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Product Datasheet


USAGE: A fungicide that is used on conifers, ornamental, forest and crop trees for diseases such as sudden oak death and anthracnose.


TARGETS: Anthracnose, Apple Scab, Armillaria Root Rot, Bacterial Blight, Fire Blight, Phytopthora Root Rot (including p. ramorum - Sudden Oak Death), Pine Pitch Canker, Pythium

OTHER RELEVANT INFO: ArborFos rapidly improves root, stem and leaf growth as disease pressure is reduced.

  • Environmentally friendly
  • University tested
  • CAUTION label 


 PACKAGING: 5ml, 7.5ml capsules, 1 liter bottles