
Kraken 7/8" Rigging Line


The Kraken is a high-strength double-braid bull rope ideal for arborist rigging work. The abrasion and snag resistant polyester hides a braided core that provides incredible strength and durability. Also available with one or two eye splices.

Active slide of Kraken 7/8


The Kraken is a high-strength double-braid bull rope ideal for arborist rigging work. The abrasion and snag resistant polyester hides a braided core that provides incredible strength and durability. Also available with one or two eye splices.


Diameter: 7/8" (22mm)

ABS: 28,900lbs (128.5kN)

  • High strength
  • ABL Polymer coating provides high UV resistance and abrasion resistance
  • Polyester core provides the right amount of shock absorption and strength
  • Easily spliced
  • Snag resistant
  • Great for winch lines, tow lines, and rigging lines
  • Added eyes by Rope Logic include Scannable compatibility for track and trace capability.
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