
SamsonDry Vortex


Introducing Vortex SD – with SamsonDry, Samson's exclusive hydrophobic coating. The lightest premium climbing line available of its size, adding SamsonDry to Vortex limits water absorption to less than 5% keeping your line lighter and safer in wet conditions. Vortex SD meets UIAA standards, has excellent knot-holding ability, works well with hardware, and is great for footlocking.

Active slide of SamsonDry Vortex


Introducing Vortex SD – with SamsonDry, Samson's exclusive hydrophobic coating. The lightest premium climbing line available of its size, adding SamsonDry to Vortex limits water absorption to less than 5% keeping your line lighter and safer in wet conditions. Vortex SD meets UIAA standards, has excellent knot-holding ability, works well with hardware, and is great for footlocking.


Diameter: 12.7mm

Weight Per 100 Feet: 7.9

ABS: 8,000 lbs

Working Load: 800 lbs

Fiber (Core/Cover): Nylon / Polyester

Elastic Elongation at 10% Breaking Strength: 3%

Elastic Elongation at 20% Breaking Strength: 5%

Elastic Elongation at 30% Breaking Strength: 6%

  • Excellent knot-holding capability
  • Lightweight
  • Works well with hardware