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ISC Rope Wrench


The ISC Rope Wrench is a revolutionary SRT climbing tool. Designed by Kevin Bingham of Detroit and manufactured by International Safety Components in Wales, the Rope Wrench simplifies your single rope ascent, especially when combined with a FIX tether. The Rope Wrench comes with a mid-line pin to allow quick installation on your climbing line, and the hex-head bolt allows for quick installation of a tether. Available with a Single or Double Eye Fix Tether. Sewn with neon green Yale Bee Line and wrapped with a special composite, Fix Tethers are the stiffest Rope Wrench tethers available. They also include a built-in tending point. Single-eye tethers are perfect for use with a Pinto pulley, while double-eye tethers are ideal for use with a three-hole pulley such as the DMM Hitchclimber.

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The ISC Rope Wrench is a revolutionary SRT climbing tool. Designed by Kevin Bingham of Detroit and manufactured by International Safety Components in Wales, the Rope Wrench simplifies your single rope ascent, especially when combined with a FIX tether. The Rope Wrench comes with a mid-line pin to allow quick installation on your climbing line, and the hex-head bolt allows for quick installation of a tether. Available with a Single or Double Eye Fix Tether. Sewn with neon green Yale Bee Line and wrapped with a special composite, Fix Tethers are the stiffest Rope Wrench tethers available. They also include a built-in tending point. Single-eye tethers are perfect for use with a Pinto pulley, while double-eye tethers are ideal for use with a three-hole pulley such as the DMM Hitchclimber.


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Model:  ZK-2 (patent pending)

Rope Size:  7/16" to 1/2"  (11mm to 13mm)

Material:  Aluminum

Source:  Wales, UK

Weight:  4.5 oz (127g)  

Width:  1.5" (38mm)

Length:  4" (102mm)

Height:  2" (51mm)

ISC Rope Wrench Features:

• A simple yet effective tool that assists a climber climbing up and down in Single Rope Technique (SRT). The Rope Wrench works by using leverage to force the rope into an S shape and providing friction for a controlled descent. When engaged, the Rope Wrench acts much like a conventional descent device such as a Figure eight. When not engaged, the Rope Wrench provides no interference with ascending the rope. This allows the climber to work an entire tree using Single Rope Technique.

• Using a Rope Wrench has advantages over many other SRT systems as well. Climbing with mechanical ascenders allows one to rapidly ascend the rope but the climber must perform a changeover to descend. The Rope Wrench dissipates friction and heat away from the climbers friction hitch allowing the climber to descend.

• The Rope Wrench is essentially a descent device that has a neutral gear that allows it to ascend the rope as well. Because of this neutral gear, it is imperative that the Rope Wrench be used with a sturdy and trusted friction hitch.

Rope Wrench Usage: 

The Rope Wrench is a friction device that allows the climber to ascend, descend and work the tree "Single Rope" with a friction hitch. It is not intended for use as primary life support. The wrench has undergone an impressive design evolution since it first appeared in wooden form. The Rope Wrench is recommended for tree climbers who have a working knowledge of Single Rope Technique. This means you have received qualified training and have practical experience climbing SRT. 

Climbing SRT has many advantages. It allows the climber to ascend at a 1:1 rate of speed. For every foot they pull on the rope they ascend one foot. This is different from the conventional DdRT (doubled rope technique) configuration of 2:1. In DdRT the climber must pull two feet of rope to advance one foot.

There are many ways to configure the Rope Wrench properly, but the climber must be secured to both hitch and Rope Wrench. Any hitch that works safely in DdRT should work with a Rope Wrench. The Rope Wrench is the “limb that goes with you”. It provides the same service to your climbing hitch that the tree limb or cambium saver provides in DdRT.

The tether of the rope wrench should be installed in a manner that gives the friction hitch enough room to function properly but short enough to not be sloppy in the climbers system. Select a durable section of cordage or webbing such as Maxim Tech Cord. Tether material should have a WLL of 500 lbs or greater (ABS of 5000+ lbs).